Thursday 25 July 2013

What is Shop floor excellence ?

The focus to achieve “Long Term Sustainable Results”
Shop Floor Excellence
What we want to achieve in our breweries during the TPM implementation, not only on the machines, but also on the mind set and the organization of our company
Visible element of TPM with respect to workplace organisation
Is the combined results of the activities from ALL pillars
Why Shop floor excellence?
For Sustainable Performance:

  • Make TPM as a common way to work
  • Sustain the TPM implementation
  • Avoid that TPM stays in the hands of managers
  • Avoid that TPM collapse when we are confronted to an external event or a new projects, etc.
  • Give to our customers / visitors the right image of our products
It is part of TPM WCBO
It will allow to achieve our vision for operator activities

Wednesday 24 July 2013

AM Team Step 1

Initial Cleaning
It is very difficult to do several things at the same time. That’s why autonomous management training takes a step by step approach, making sure each key skill is thoroughly learned before going on to the next. Autonomous management is implemented in seven steps.

TPM Teamwork

The pillar team
Creates the condition to empower people ensuring that everybody’s skills and capabilities development come first
Enables the condition to create a lean organisation implementing new management systems for Quality, Maintenance, Planning, Problem Solving, etc.
Improves the organisational structure empowering the more operational levels (i.e. activating autonomous teams)
Coaches to guarantee the success of new organization and behaviours
It is recommended to have at least one PKE per pillar in order to ensure good training, coaching, mentoring, auditing.

Pillar Team Composition

Selection and management of the Pillar Team is crucial to achieving the pillar aims and objectives.
Membership should be:

  • From a broad functional background
  • Committed to the process
  • Willing and able to give the necessary time
  • Familiar with the pillar process, tools & techniques
  • Pillar leader should be the department manager in order to ensure the correct alignment and the single agenda approach.
  • It is recommended that the FI pillar leader is the Brewery Mgr

How to set-up the Pillar?

Pillar Team

  • Pillar Team Composition
  • Link between Steering Committee, Pillar Teams and Loss Reduction Teams
  • Generic Role & Responsibility of the Pillar Team
  • Role of Model Machines / Teams
  • Loss Reduction Teams
  • Loss Reduction Team Planning / Scheduling

Pillar Vision and Mission – What is a Vision and Mission?


  • What the team aspires to achieve in a medium-long period
  • A clear future picture of where the business, pillar or project would like to be and what it would look like captured as a single statement or a collection of simple phrases or pictures
  • It should be possible to describe the vision with figures.


  • It’s the reason why a pillar exists
  • A statement of intent that provides the direction by which the vision can be realised
  • How to achieve the vision

  • Maintaining the Zero Losses process conditions at the lowest cost


  • The pillars must first of all identify, quantify and deploy the losses
  • Then must develop the know-how and support teams in the eradicating the sources of these losses
  • Finally, the pillars must switch the mindset from result control to process control and to and efficient conditions management system.
  • At each one of this step the focus and the responsibility is closer and closer to the shop floor.

When do we launch Pillars?

Pillars are launched once the site has developed enough experience and needs to move forward with more powerful means to support teams and gain additional tools to attack losses.
To ensure this background the following pre-requisites should be met:
  • The pillar leaders have participated in several teams
  • The pillar members should have participated in at least one team
  • Routes for the specific pillar have been applied in the site
  • Model machines / examples have been established as a learning tool and reference for the future teams to follow
For example one of the biggest challenges of the AM pillar is to manage the restoration of basic conditions particularly the level of cleanliness. Therefore it is vital to have a reference machine; this is known as the model machine. The model machine therefore sets the STANDARD for cleanliness throughout the entire brewery site. This is why the AM Pillar has to own and manage the model machine, allowing them to understand what is involved in maintaining basic conditions