Wednesday 24 July 2013

Pillar Vision and Mission – What is a Vision and Mission?


  • What the team aspires to achieve in a medium-long period
  • A clear future picture of where the business, pillar or project would like to be and what it would look like captured as a single statement or a collection of simple phrases or pictures
  • It should be possible to describe the vision with figures.


  • It’s the reason why a pillar exists
  • A statement of intent that provides the direction by which the vision can be realised
  • How to achieve the vision

  • Maintaining the Zero Losses process conditions at the lowest cost


  • The pillars must first of all identify, quantify and deploy the losses
  • Then must develop the know-how and support teams in the eradicating the sources of these losses
  • Finally, the pillars must switch the mindset from result control to process control and to and efficient conditions management system.
  • At each one of this step the focus and the responsibility is closer and closer to the shop floor.

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