Wednesday 24 July 2013

Operator’s skill

The ability to detect, correct and prevent equipment abnormalities and make improvements.
This includes understanding the importance of:

  • Cleaning, inspection and proper cleaning methods
  • Improving the equipment to reduce source of dirt and prevents its accumulation and spread
  • Improving the machine to facilitate inspection with visual management
  • Improving the machine to facilitate access, therefore maintainability
  • Proper lubrication, including lubrication methods and methods for checking lubrication
  • Improving operation and maintenance procedures to prevent abnormalities and facilitate their prompt detection
1. The ability to detect, correct and prevent equipment abnormalities and make improvements.
2. The ability to understand equipment functions and mechanisms, and the ability to detect causes of abnormalities.

  • Knowing what to look for when checking mechanisms
  • Applying the proper criteria for judging abnormalities
  • Understanding the relations between specific causes and abnormalities
  • Knowing with confidence when the equipment needs to be shut off
  • Being able to diagnose the cause of some types of failures

3. The ability to understand the relationship between equipment and quality, and the ability to predict problems in quality and detect their causes.

  • Knowing how to solve a problem (e.g. breakdown, minor stoppage, material problem, material defect, etc.)
  • Understanding the relationship between product quality characteristics and equipment mechanisms and functions
  • Understanding tolerance ranges, how to measure them and how to avoid deterioration
  • Understanding the causes of quality defects
  • 4.The ability to understand why we lubricate and the consequences of a lack of CILT, and the ability to predict problems and detect their causes.
5. The ability to make repairs.

  • Ability to replace parts
  • Understanding of life expectancy of parts
  • Ability to deduce the root causes of breakdowns and minor stoppages
  • Ability to take emergency measures
  • Ability to assist in overhaul repairs

Obviously, anyone who masters all these skills has achieved a very high level indeed, and no one is expected to do that quickly. Instead, each skill should be studied and practiced for whatever time it takes to acquire proficiency.

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